Car Leasing News & Blog

OVL Group Values

OVL Group Values Integrity We consistently adhere to strong, moral ethical principles us... Read More

What are the advantages of leasing an EV from a ‘new’ manufacturer?

What are the advantages of leasing an EV from a ‘new’ manufacturer? Remember when Tesla was the ‘new kid on the block’? It was the Spring of 2014 when the Tesla was first availa... Read More

Earn £75 when you refer a friend*

Earn £75 when you refer a friend* We have established a referral program that rewards you £75 for every referral who becomes a customer of OVL-Little Green Car Leasing... Read More

2024 Electric Cars – What’s coming?

2024 Electric Cars – What’s coming? 2024 promises to be another big year for the introduction of more fully electric vehicles into the UK market. From well k... Read More

How do I care for my electric car in cold weather?

How do I care for my electric car in cold weather? Taking care of your electric car in winter is important to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Here are some tips to help you look after you... Read More

Maintaining your Electric Vehicle (EV)

Maintaining your Electric Vehicle (EV) Maintaining an electric car (EV) is generally simpler and requires fewer maintenance tasks compared to traditional petrol... Read More

The Polestar - we liked it!

The Polestar - we liked it! We originally drove the Polestar 2 a few years back and were impressed.   The model year 2024 Polestar 2 gets a bigger ba... Read More

The ORA Funky Cat

The ORA Funky Cat The team enjoyed getting behind the wheel of the ORA Funky Cat EV this week.   A funky little car for sure!!  ... Read More

Planning on taking your lease vehicle abroad?

Planning on taking your lease vehicle abroad? It's holiday season but so far the UK summer weather has pretty much failed to deliver - anyone else been in a tent in torrential rain this year?... Read More

Order Before 31 March to avoid price rises

Order Before 31 March to avoid price rises Thanks to the excellent connections we have with manufacturers and dealers we are able to inform you that price rises are coming. So far we... Read More

Do I need to service my lease car?



Do I need to service my lease car?

All cars need servicing at regular intervals, as advised by the manufacturer, and lease cars and no exception. 

For a manufacturer’s warranty to remain valid you must adhere to the service schedule and by keeping your car in a good condition with regular servicing, you will also be less likely to incur fair wear and tear charges at the end of your contract. 

What is a car service? 

The purpose of a car service is to check and replace parts which wear down naturally with use and with time. 

The following are usually checked as part of a full service:

·      Air Filter

·      Brakes

·      Clutch

·      Coolant (Antifreeze)

·      Engine Oil

·      Exhaust

·      Gearbox

·      Lights

·      Steering and Suspension

·      Timing and Auxiliary Belts

·      Tyre Inflation and Condition

·      Wiper Blades

I chose the maintained option on my lease car so is servicing included? 

If you decided to lease your car with maintenance as an option all servicing, any mechanical and electrical repairs, plus any necessary labour costs will be included in your contract

If you don’t have a maintenance package, you will be responsible for all maintenance and servicing costs for the vehicle throughout the duration of your contract.

If you are unsure about what contract you chose please speak to your leasing provider who can help.

How often are the service intervals on my lease vehicle?

There is no ‘one answer fits all’ to this question.

Every car is different, so you should check your manufacturer's handbook to find out the required 'service intervals' and what needs replacing when on your vehicle. If you do not have your manufacturer's handbook to hand, you can visit the manufacturer’s website for further information – your leasing provider will be able to help you also so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Most new cars will display a ‘warning’ message on the dashboard, counting down to when the next service is due which saves you from having to remember! However it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the responsibilities of servicing when you receive delivery of your new car. 

Where can I get my car serviced?

If you did take out a fully maintained lease car, you will need to contact the finance company to book your vehicle into a local approved garage for its service.  

If you do not have a maintenance package included in your contract, you will still need to arrange for the vehicle to be serviced at the appropriate intervals but you are responsible for booking this direct. Double check servicing guidelines – for example there may be a specification that a main dealer is used – before you book anything in.  

What about replacing tyres? 

The law requires car tyres to have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm in a continuous band around the central three quarters of the tyre. If any tyres on your lease car need replacing it is your responsibility to do so. 

Read more about checking your tyre tread depth here.